New Jersey is a very tough state on drug possession laws.
Charged with a crime in New Jersey? Please call (888) 205-9314
Marijuana has finally been legalized, but there are still lots of drug cases in NJ courts.
You don’t have to be an addict to be charged with a drug possession offense. But you do need the help of a lawyer like myself experienced in fighting drug cases.
Drug convictions can haunt you for years even if you are only facing a possession charge. Any criminal background check by a future employer will show a drug possession conviction.
But it doesn’t always have to be that way. There are legal defense strategies in virtually every case.
I have successfully handled numerous drug possession charges in the state of New Jersey.
In fact, I have beaten some of the most serious drug charges in the state, including first degree drug offenses.
I know what you are up against and I can help. Contact me today to discuss the details of your case and what we can do to get the best possible results on your day in court.
New Jersey Drug Classifications
In New Jersey, drugs are classified by their danger and their risk of addiction. These classifications help determine your potential sentence should you be convicted of such an offense.
Some of the more commonly seen drugs are categorized below:
Drug Classification | Risk/Danger | Drugs Included |
Schedule I | Extremely high risk of abuse/No accepted medical use. | Heroin, Mescalin, LSD, Peyote, Psilocybin |
Schedule II | High potential for abuse/Some accepted medical uses | Opium, Cocaine, Methadone |
Schedule III | Some potential for abuse, may lead to moderate or low addiction | Amphetamines, Methamphetamine, Morphine, Codeine |
Schedule IV | Low potential for abuse, medically accepted | Barbital, Phenobarbital |
Schedule V | Low potential for abuse, limited dependence | Low concentrations of Morphine and Codeine |
Ref: NJ Stat. §24:21-4
New Jersey Drug Possession Laws
One common misunderstanding of the crime of possession is that people think you must have the drug in your possession to be arrested, but this isn’t necessarily the case. If the drugs are within your reach or if the police see you toss them aside, you can also face the same drug charges.
The severity of the offense depends on the drug you are accused of having, based on how dangerous the state considers the substance.
NJ Drug Possession Penalties
Possession of different controlled substances, and their penalties in New Jersey break down as follows:
Schedule I-IV substances (Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, Ecstacy, Crack…) | Crime in the 3rd degree with a potential sentence of 3-5 years and fines of $35,000 |
Any Schedule V substance | Crime in the 4th degree with a potential 18 months in prison and $15,000 in fines |
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB, Liquid Ecstasy) | Crime in the 3rd degree with a potential sentence of 3-5 years and fines of $100,000. |
If you picked up your case within 1000 feet of a school or school property, you will also face 100 hours of community service.
Ref: NJ Stat. §2C:35-10
Under the Influence of Drugs – Criminal Charge
If you are found to be under the influence of a controlled substance you can face additional disorderly persons charges under NJ law, which carry up to 6 months in jail and fines.
Contact me today to discuss the details of your case and for some legal advice. I have successfully handled many, many drug cases, so I can tell you what you can expect in court, and tell you exactly what I think our chances are to beat the charges.
(888) 205-9314
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