In major gun news this week, New Jersey officials announced they had indicted 9 men on various weapons charges including the trafficking of illegal firearms into the state from Virginia. The investigation into the ring is said to have required the cooperation of the New Jersey state police, the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and other law enforcement agencies both here in NJ and in Virginia. [Read more…]
Newark Crime Down, Can Policing Take the Credit?
Two months ago, Newark marked the first month with zero homicides in 44 years, according to the City Journal. While many are singing the praised of Police Director Garry McCarthy, others are cautious to connect lowered crime to increased policing. Regardless of the connection, however, the department under McCarthy has gone to great lengths to change things in the city known for its violence. [Read more…]
$10 Million Marijuana Bust Brings Up Pot “Issues”
The NJ Star-Ledger broke a story a few weeks ago centered around a large marijuana bust. A group that they are calling a Vietnamese “gang” was found to have an extensive growing operation in rural Middlesex County. With social acceptance of the drug rising, police are going in circles busting up such rings and making little to no progress.
The group was found to be growing 1,000 marijuana plants in the basement of a rural home. In addition to the pot, cops found $60,000 in case. They didn’t, however, find any weapons. [Read more…]